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William Temple Episcopal Foundation Ministers to University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) Students

This is the 67th year that the ministry of the William Temple Foundation in Galveston, Texas has been ministering to University of Texas Medical Branch students. 2018 marks the sixth year of ministry on the Trinity Episcopal Church campus in Galveston, Texas. The mission of the

foundation is hospitality.

Affectionately known as “Willie T’s” we minister to UTMB students of every religion and denomination. We tell them all the time, “You don’t have to be a Christian and you don’t have to be Episcopalian. Just show up. We are your home away from home.” Through our incredible volunteer cook team, we offer students a free home cooked meal with salad, main course, vegetables, baked beans, garlic bread and desserts every Wednesday in Eaton Hall. For many this is the only decent meal they receive each week. As you can, imagine some students are well off and others deeply in debt. The favorite menu item is a special secret baked bean recipe. After students graduate they send us funny selfies trying to re-create our recipe. Our Student Center is on the Trinity Episcopal Church campus, which students can access 24 hours a day to study, use the free wi-fi, grab a snack, couches for napping, coffee and much more. We also invite students to evening prayer on Wednesday’s and Sunday morning services.

Many of our attendees are graduate students enrolled in the school of medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician’s assistants, and nursing. We have one graduate student in Medical Technology from Nigeria and one MD-PHD program student from Hong Kong. Our students are truly dedicated to ministering to their community. They staff the St. Vincent’s House Student Clinic, present Occupational Therapy programs to our Sunday School classes, make chemo kits for the Daughters of the King, and asking us how they can give back for all that we do for them. Our answer is always, “Pay it for forward.” We are blessed to serve students in the name of our risen Lord.

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